Saturday, October 13, 2007

Difference between legal sex and illegal sex

In my research methods class, we had to read a study about the “Tearoom Trade.” This study was conducted by Laud Humphreys and is about the oral sex acts that were performed by men for men in public male restrooms in the 1970s. This is an extremely controversial topic that is illegal and not only for homosexuals. There were straight married men in the working class found in these bathrooms, along with closet queens, homosexuals, and ambi-sexuals, who were straight married men from middle/upper-class families. The point is that some of these men found refuge at these places, or a place to release their pent up sexual energy. Others, specifically, the ambi-sexuals just participated in this for kicks. The men that sought out these places reminded me a lot of the men that sought out the legalized prostitution of Mustang Ranch. The differences being Mustang is a cleaner and safer environment.
The point to this whole comparison is, homosexuals are still not always socially accepted, neither is legalized prostitution in Nevada. However, people who have sexual needs need to be satisfied. Yes both situations are looked at as deviant and immoral, but wouldn’t it be safer if these places were socially accepted. It seems to me that things that are not socially accepted cause heartache, pain, suffering, violence, and disease. The girls who worked at the Mustang Ranch were safe, why can there not be a safe haven for homosexuals and other men who seek a sexual thrill. If there was and the idea was more acceptable, maybe there would not be an AIDS problem in the United States. It just seems to me that the things that are considered deviant turn out to cause people so much emotional stress and other harms. If things like homosexuality were accepted, there would be more peace in the world.

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